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  • Major disruptions
    • Technical issues with Call centre
      Severity: Maintenance
      Status: Confirmed
      Start: 19/07/2024 15:45
      End: 19/07/2024 23:59
      Last Update: 19/07/2024 16:16
      We are experiencing technical difficulties in our call centre that our engineers are working on to fix, which would be effecting customers trying to call support centre.
      Customer internet services are not impacted due to this.
    • OPTICOMM VIC OUTAGE across multiple estates
      Severity: Offline
      Status: Confirmed
      Start: 16/07/2024 00:00
      End: 16/07/2024 23:59
      Last Update: 16/07/2024 16:16
      APN monitoring systems have detected a drop in connections for customers
      connected to the OPTICOMM network across various locations throughout Victoria.

      Customers who are connected to the OPTICOMM network at the following
      Customer Service Area’s will experience a loss of internet connectivity:

      675 Berwick-Cranbourne Road
      Berwick Waters
      College Green
      Casiana Grove
      Glasscocks Road
      1095 Glasscocks Rd Narre Warren South
      Water Edge

      Activ8me engineers have investigated this issue and determined it is with
      our backhaul supplier. Our backhaul supplier has acknowledged the issue and
      is currently working to resolve the issue. Currently there is no ETR.

      Activ8me apologises to our customers for this unexpected interruption to
      your service. We appreciate your patience while our backhaul supplier
      rectifies the issue.
  • Scheduled disruptions
  • Unscheduled disruptions
  • Other disruptions
  • Resolved