
NBN Satellite helping regional education for a brighter future

April 15, 2015 10:58 pm

NBN Regional
In the past, living in regional Australia was considered to be a limitation in terms of having access to education or learning. But all that is in the past now that the NBN Sky Muster is here, helping to break distance barriers through faster Internet connections.

Activ8me offer a range of Sky Muster plans, including specialised education plans, to ensure that all students (and educators) on nbn satellite can access vital online tools for education and study.

Regional students now have easy access to schools and fast Internet speeds thanks to the National Broadband Network’s launching of its two satellites. Apart from helping with homework, tertiary students also benefit from the NBN.

On nbn Sky Muster Plus, customers have access to an unmetered internet connection until 4pm in the afternoon, meaning all activities online don’t count towards the service’s monthly data allowance.

This gives students unlimited access to online learning tools during school hours.

Alternatively, Activ8me’s Sky Muster Pro plans offer a daily data allowance, ensuring families aren’t left with a shaped service for the remainder of the month after using up all their monthly data allowance.

Lindy Ravenscroft, who is a part-time mature-aged student at Charles Sturt University, is just one example of how the NBN has helped people make studying easy and enjoyable. She lives 450kms away, but her NBN satellite Internet service makes it possible for her to undertake her degree.

Rural kids see broadband to be more than just a means to gain access to various modes of entertainment online; to them, it is what they need to reach the level of education students in the city have unlimited access to.

You can find nbn blog articles on how they are making education more accessible here.

The below video shows how regional students are finding distance education easier with the use of Sky Muster services:

Video courtesy of nbn.

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